Not even frickin’ stone is a kuhnya.. or is it? Maybe there entire Earth is my kuhnya and my closed Misha is actually insideout.
Read MoreHummingbird
A hummingbird is an amazing gift. They seem rare to me. I've only ever seen a few. The first time I saw one in real life, I was sitting in my new car, A used Volkswagen Vanagon, side door open. I was parked in the giant park El Dorado Park in Long Beach, California. I was just enjoying the warm day feeling like I had just moved my livingroom to a park and eating a pint of icecream. Suddenly a hummingbird zipped into frame and hoovered there looking at me. It hoovered! What else hoovers? Dragon flies and helicopters. Never before had I seen a hummingbird, and now, suddenly it's right in my face, framed by my Vanagon door. I could have reached out and pet it. I felt awe and wonder.
Last weekend I received Andean transmissions from seven mountains, the Nustras, and the from seven stars, The Pleiades, in a ceremony facilitated by two Peruvian masters, poqos. As part of the ceremony each participant received seven carved stones to match the chakras into which these mountain and star seeds had been planted. They are called Chunpy stones and each one has an Andean archetype carved onto it.
Each person has a different set. For instance my throat chakra stone has lightning, others have Jaguar, cocoa leaves, or “the guy.” One of the archetypes is a guy, a pictographic man. He has a name and a purpose, which I forget is at the moment. We all just called him the guy. “I have the guy on my heart chakra,” etc. For me The Guy is at the crown chakra stone. What do these combinations mean? I have no idea. But I want to have an idea.
I went to the font of information, Brave browser, and looked it up. I still don't know how the combination affect each other, but I did find some things about hummingbird. Hummingbird is a powerful amazing archetype. One I can really get behind. Hummingbird voices my motto, “Dumbass! We reject the rational to make the impossible possible!” - Kamina, leader of Team Gurren.
Hummingbirds even in motion are still, they traverse the gulf of Mexico in migration, and they eat nectar from flowers eschewing the garbage discarded in the street. They haven't the geat soaring wings of a condor, eagle, or albatross, yet they cross the ocean. They represent courage in the face of impossibility. I can use that energy.
None of my Chunpy stones have a hummingbird on them.
Often, when people unfamiliar with indigenous ways, or ways connected to nature, adopt archetypes we chose the biggest most powerful or mysterious ones we can find: wolf, dragon, whale, owl, eagle, tiger. We overlook ants, skunks, and the hummingbird. Anything small, cute, and floral related is dismissed. I speak in general, or maybe just for myself. I suppose I should say, “It seems to me that…” because I know first hand that that's what I did. Why adopt hummingbird when you can soar like an eagle? Yet, an eagle doesn't cross the ocean even though it seems to be built for that kind of test of endurance.
The evening before our last day, we built a ceremonial fire and were visited by a toad, ants, and one spider who swooped down over us, then over the fire where she paused before flying up into a tree. She seemed to greet each one of us, and she seemed to fly and hoover. Spiders are surprisingly swift.
The next morning I rose early and was the only one in the kitchen as I made some coffee. I looked out the window and there was a hummingbird. It made three stops at the flowers outside, then, like the spider, swooped up and out of sight.
I wanted to tell everyone that we were visited by hummingbird, too. But were we? The fire was out and it was just me looking out the window. Does that count? Would she have visited us ifI was outside? Does it count that I want’t? All these dumbass, materialist, critical thinking questions. I reject them now; I reject the rational and accept the gift. Thank you Hummingbird for your energy, I need it now.
Hummingbird (Copy)
A hummingbird is an amazing gift. They seem rare to me. I've only ever seen a few. The first time I saw one in real life, I was sitting in my new car, A used Volkswagen Vanagon, side door open. I was parked in the giant park El Dorado Park in Long Beach, California. I was just enjoying the warm day feeling like I had just moved my livingroom to a park and eating a pint of icecream. Suddenly a hummingbird zipped into frame and hoovered there looking at me. It hoovered! What else hoovers? Dragon flies and helicopters. Never before had I seen a hummingbird, and now, suddenly it's right in my face, framed by my Vanagon door. I could have reached out and pet it. I felt awe and wonder.
Last weekend I received Andean transmissions from seven mountains, the Nustras, and the from seven stars, The Pleiades, in a ceremony facilitated by two Peruvian masters, poqos. As part of the ceremony each participant received seven carved stones to match the chakras into which these mountain and star seeds had been planted. They are called Chunpy stones and each one has an Andean archetype carved onto it.
Each person has a different set. For instance my throat chakra stone has lightning, others have Jaguar, cocoa leaves, or “the guy.” One of the archetypes is a guy, a pictographic man. He has a name and a purpose, which I forget is at the moment. We all just called him the guy. “I have the guy on my heart chakra,” etc. For me The Guy is at the crown chakra stone. What do these combinations mean? I have no idea. But I want to have an idea.
I went to the font of information, Brave browser, and looked it up. I still don't know how the combination affect each other, but I did find some things about hummingbird. Hummingbird is a powerful amazing archetype. One I can really get behind. Hummingbird voices my motto, “Dumbass! We reject the rational to make the impossible possible!” - Kamina, leader of Team Gurren.
Hummingbirds even in motion are still, they traverse the gulf of Mexico in migration, and they eat nectar from flowers eschewing the garbage discarded in the street. They haven't the geat soaring wings of a condor, eagle, or albatross, yet they cross the ocean. They represent courage in the face of impossibility. I can use that energy.
None of my Chunpy stones have a hummingbird on them.
Often, when people unfamiliar with indigenous ways, or ways connected to nature, adopt archetypes we chose the biggest most powerful or mysterious ones we can find: wolf, dragon, whale, owl, eagle, tiger. We overlook ants, skunks, and the hummingbird. Anything small, cute, and floral related is dismissed. I speak in general, or maybe just for myself. I suppose I should say, “It seems to me that…” because I know first hand that that's what I did. Why adopt hummingbird when you can soar like an eagle? Yet, an eagle doesn't cross the ocean even though it seems to be built for that kind of test of endurance.
The evening before our last day, we built a ceremonial fire and were visited by a toad, ants, and one spider who swooped down over us, then over the fire where she paused before flying up into a tree. She seemed to greet each one of us, and she seemed to fly and hoover. Spiders are surprisingly swift.
The next morning I rose early and was the only one in the kitchen as I made some coffee. I looked out the window and there was a hummingbird. It made three stops at the flowers outside, then, like the spider, swooped up and out of sight.
I wanted to tell everyone that we were visited by hummingbird, too. But were we? The fire was out and it was just me looking out the window. Does that count? Would she have visited us ifI was outside? Does it count that I want’t? All these dumbass, materialist, critical thinking questions. I reject them now; I reject the rational and accept the gift. Thank you Hummingbird for your energy, I need it now.
Live at 11 AM Painting the Black Magic Sequence, getting walls right - 21APR2020
Getting everything correct on this painting of Panama Dorado performing black magic in her closet bedroom. I sudue some hues, alter some comics symbolism and improve coherence.
Also, I fill the time with wonder full blather and opinions that may prognosticate a future full of wonders and improved human movement.
It’s again, the most entertaining slow activity in towne. The only thing that could improve it is replacing me with a girl. This may happen in the future. Let’s see how ratings go.
Then share and subscribe!
The Skrauss laments Milwaukee’s loss of the DNC
Remember, team Cavedweller; like, comment, share, and subscribe on youtube.
Let’s cluster around this sensation (whatever I am, and am doing); let’s extend the definitions and permissions of creativity and entertainment.
Live streaming the creation of art, is the art
Live stream!
I’m doing it!
The Skrauss in his spaceman pants bring you the gift of art creation
I have been live streaming my painting process for a few months now. You can find the results on my Youtube channel, and my periscope channel, and Instagram. I find that the most reliable platform is youtube, and have gravitated there.
Enjoy some real book learning sans books.
Image For Hire Video Interview featuring three whimsical guys in civil discussion
Image For Hire: First Video Episdoe
My first video episode of Image For Hire is posted and archived on the host platform. Above is a link to the Patreon page where you can access it. All Image For Hire Videos are unedited and patron only. The audio version, limited to 59 minutes is also available in my podcast link.
This first episode features Brian Rott and Don Russel two directors of physical theater companies discussing their collaboration, “Celsius 232 which opens November 30, and runs three weekends closing on December 15.
Quasi Mondo recently purchased a retired firehouse for a permanent location. This is their first performance in the venue. A show about firemen burning books in a turn of last century firehouse. What could be more magical?
Secure your tickets here.
Thanks for living the dream,
Skrauss, The
What is this? Image, imagination, Imago Dei
Originally, two years ago when I decided to buy this domain, I had a vision of a business where I would go around and offer my services to help corporations improve their image by hiring me as a resident artist. In my towne, Milwaukee, there's a local historic hotel with an impressive, but saccharine art collection. Good stuff, well executed, but sweet, tired images. This hotel several years ago began an artist in residence program. They hire an artist to work on site and donate a painting at the end of their one year term. It's a good gig and many artists compete for it.
I hired a manager for a while and told the manager an idea that I had for Milwaukee's then tallest building. I wanted to create a position of curator for their mezzanine art gallery. The building has no art gallery. But it does have large blank walls. I suggested to my coach that I would manage this endeavor and they would pay me to do it. "Good idea," he said, "And you know what else? you know the hotel residency? You know why they do that?"
I was off guarded, I had never given the why a picosecond of thought.
"For their image," he said. "It shows how cool they are. Well here we are in Milwaukee's old tallest building and right across the street they're building a new sexier skyscraper. Maybe they want an image lift. Also, I think that the price you just named is too low."
Then I took an opportunity to host a radio show on a local radio station. I called it Image For Hire, after the name of my new business idea. the show would be for individuals what the larger business was to be for corporations. I intended to present ideas that can get us from here to awesome, that is, increased imagination, spirituality, art appreciation, and just plain old looking better. i was going to teach people how to dress.
Take note: dressing in pajamas, sweats, and t-shirts and jeans everyday is not acceptable.
That was the guiding principle. And yet here I am forking over the same content that I have always done, a comics-based dynamism. Where will I go from here? I had a second goal when I took the shift on the radio. I wanted to discover my message. Twenty-six episodes in and I still don't know what I'm doing. Much like this blog, my vlog Skrauss Speaks, You Listen, the podcast/Radio show is a record of my enthusiasms.
What is this? What am I doing here? Where is the Imago Dei? All of these questions and more will be answered in future installments. Keep digging in, Cavedweller.
This scene occurred in Stone Creek Coffee in the fifth ward, AKA the 88 nine location. This kid here is a well-dressed web designer. You should hire him.